K.Mizra LLC is a patent licensing company run by experienced management. We focus on licensing high value, high quality patents with a global reach.
We own patent portfolios originating with a wide array of inventors. The portfolios include patents from well-known multinationals such as IBM, Sharp, Intel and others. Also owned are patent portfolios that originated with research institutes such as the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research).
The aggregation of these portfolios provide K.Mizra with a global patent footprint. You can find these patents and portfolios here. They are identified in the "Patents" button by region.
K.Mizra is very proactive. We are currently engaged in patent litigation in the US and Europe. We also provide technical discussions surrounding our portfolio and a potential licensees’ products or services prior to enforcement.
We offer licenses to our patents on reasonable terms. This is one reason why, after over half a decade in business, so many companies have taken a K.Mizra license.
By focusing on high quality patents K.Mizra provides a secondary market for inventors to recoup their investment and continue innovation. We believe that in this way K.Mizra plays a part in the development of the technologies that make all our lives better.